Non-Surgical Penile Enhancement
Our flagship treatment is non-surgical penis enlargement, also known as penile girth enhancement. Leveraging the principles of advanced dermal fillers, we utilize hyaluronic acid, a substance naturally occurring in the body, to increase penile girth. While the primary focus of our treatment is enhancing penile girth, the injected filler may also result in a perceived increase in length due to its increased weight and reduced shrinkage from the added volume.
Choosing this treatment over traditional surgical methods offers a range of benefits:
Less expensive and less painful than surgery
Minimal downtime
Little to no post-procedure discomfort
A short "lunchtime" procedure, done in-office.
Instant results with the flexibility to adjust filler volume choices during the procedure to meet your expectations.
This treatment highlights the impact a subtle change can have on your appearance and self-perception/self-esteem.
Know your Doctor
This treatment is an elective cosmetic procedure which, like all medical treatments, may carry certain risks. Your provider's experience is of utmost importance. Not only in the treatment itself but also in the management of complications, however rare they might be. It is important to ask specific questions to your injector about their previous experience.
Dr. Nel was the only provider of the Penile Girth Augmentation procedure in Western Canada for several years. He has over ten years of experience with neuromodulators and dermal filler injectables. He has successfully treated hundreds of patients with non-surgical penis enlargement.
For more detailed information, click here.
And, please visit our FAQ section to find the most important questions to ask your doctor.